Catchy Christmas Phrases Telephone Game
The direct translation of “square eyes” is in fact “ojos cuadrados”. The meaning between the two is almost identical. However, “ojos cuadrados” can mean bleary eyed in general or refer to being bleary eyed due to watching too much television which is more specific. In Spanish you could say someone has “ojos cuadrados” due to correcting papers all day. In English, square eyes generally refers to the more specific bleary eyed because of TV. You probably would not say “he has square eyes due to correcting papers” in English. Also, in English, “square eyes” is less common than the adjective “square eyed” as in “he became square eyed due to watching too much television”.
Catchy Christmas Invitations
Bleary eyed in Spanish is closest to”ojos llorosos” but even that word has a slightly different connotation. The word “bleary” is one of those Middle English words that like “weird” is very hard to find an exact equivalent to in Spanish.